Landline Voicemail Instructions

Find out how to use Full Flavour landline voicemail services.

Full Flavour mobile voicemail instructions are here.

Managing your voicemail

To hear your voicemail dial 222 from the Full Flavour phone number.

Then dial your number including national code and area code: 64 7 xxx xxxx

It will then ask you for your password or pin.

Enter your pin.

Follow the prompts to listen to voicemail, delete a voicemail, create prompts, and additional actions.


To record your voicemail greeting:

From the main menu:

Press 0, followed by 1, and the prompt will say after the tone to record your message.

It will ask you to confirm your message.


To delete your messages:

From the main menu:

Press 1 to go to new messages.

Press 7 to delete the message.

You do not have to listen to the message - so just press 7 to delete. You can keep pressing 7 every 3 to 5 seconds if you want to remove all messages instantly.


If you are still having problems or are unclear, email [email protected]