Unlocking Savings: The Benefits of Unbundling Power and Broadband Services

Published: 9/7/23, 10:55 AM

A recent Stuff article caught our eye, where they explained how customers could save up to $1150 annually by separating their power and broadband services, according to research by MoneyHub. Bundled services were found to be more expensive in most cases, with only minimal savings in some instances.

On the day of writing this article, we put this to the test and compared Nova Energy's rates at a residential address in Tauranga for their bundled broadband and power plan, against standalone provider Flick Electric. We found that for a standard user household using 8000 kWh per year, Nova Energy was overcharging by more than $192 per year on the power, to make up for the "cheap" internet. If the same household used even more power across the year, then their bundle was actually costing them more than purchasing internet independently.

We're more than happy to help customers get the best deal - feel free to request a free cost comparison - we'll need a recent power bill.

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